• Question: What do you like the most about what u do?

    Asked by HildaD on 1 Feb 2022.
    • Photo: Samantha Sherman

      Samantha Sherman answered on 1 Feb 2022:

      I love being able to see something and ask why it happens and then go find out. I like working with people from all over on the world to try and solve problems and make life easier and better for people. I even kind of love that you can’t just have a simple conversation when it’s all scientists, it always shifts to projects at least a little bit… it takes someone passionate to make it in academic sciences so you’re surrounded by people that love their work!

    • Photo: Stefanie Fields

      Stefanie Fields answered on 1 Feb 2022:

      I like that I get to help protect the environment and the people at my facility. Knowing my job, in the big picture, means something helps the long or hard days worth it.

    • Photo: Chiara Amato

      Chiara Amato answered on 1 Feb 2022:

      Hilda, thank you for this question. What I love most about my work is the constant changing of my research. Every answer I get becomes a new question I need to answer. It’s never boring.

    • Photo: Phu Phan

      Phu Phan answered on 1 Feb 2022:

      I like to solve problems related to environmental science when I was in college. Once I realize that there are many environmental science problems that need scientists to find out, I want to join in one of the companies like Johnson Matthey.

    • Photo: Leah Sutton

      Leah Sutton answered on 1 Feb 2022:

      I work at a manufacturing site with many different complex processes. Being part of the facilities engineering team we get to get involved with all of those different processes in one way or another. I really like that aspect of my job because I get to see all different kinds of problems with even more numerous solutions. I also like that we get a chance to be creative and “dream” or new or different ways to do things.

    • Photo: Kaveri Sawant

      Kaveri Sawant answered on 2 Feb 2022:

      Working with others.

    • Photo: Melissa Hess

      Melissa Hess answered on 2 Feb 2022:

      On a day-to-day basis, I really like the people I work with. I’ve partly stayed in this job as long as I have because I love my boss (it happens!) and my coworkers. On a full-career basis, I really like doing science that helps solve problems in the real world- in this case, how can we curb the problems causing climate change. When my grandmother asks “what is your research used for?”, I like being able to have an answer she understands.

    • Photo: Lindsey Anderson

      Lindsey Anderson answered on 3 Feb 2022:

      What I love about my job is the ability to network across many research subject areas and learn from experts from all fields of study. Our user facility instrument capabilities are incredibly unmatched, creating so many more opportunities to expand on the important scientific questions we are trying to answer. If you are curious about what those do, check them out here: https://www.emsl.pnnl.gov/science/instruments-resources.

    • Photo: Lauren Haygood

      Lauren Haygood answered on 3 Feb 2022:

      I love being able to constantly ask questions and be curious about the environment around me (and globally!). I also enjoy the outreach opportunities that come with my work, especially getting others involved and excited about what we’re doing!

    • Photo: Ryan Holmes

      Ryan Holmes answered on 3 Feb 2022:

      I really enjoy learning. I love learning more about topics in my field as well as new concepts still unknown to me

    • Photo: Juan Manuel Gonzalez Olalla

      Juan Manuel Gonzalez Olalla answered on 14 Feb 2022:

      I really like to work in the field, in lakes, in touch with the nature.
