Asked by arms11ted on 4 Feb 2022.
Melissa Hess answered on 4 Feb 2022:
I don’t have any patents, which is a bit of a shame. I would love it if I did!
I have built two testing systems. One tested how stable supersonic jet fuels were when exposed to heat. The other was a screening process to figure out if additives reduced diesel emissions. Sadly, neither of these will make me money.
Lauren Haygood answered on 4 Feb 2022:
Unfortunately, I have not built any inventions. I have built things in the lab that I need for experiments!
Leah Sutton answered on 4 Feb 2022:
None! But our Research and Development department has many patents most of which I do not understand.
In aerospace there are a lot of opportunity to earn patents to be an inventor with the financial backing from a corporation.
Ryan Holmes answered on 7 Feb 2022:
None…..my role does not involve submitting inventions.
I do however come up with inventive ways to solve daily problems. Different ways to think, thinking outside the box. An invention doesn’t have to be a physical object; it can be a new way of thinking or solving a problem. Dream big but think bigger! -
Phu Phan answered on 7 Feb 2022:
1, it’s a collaboration with my professor and students at Drexel University.
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